1412 17th Street, Suite 314
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Do you trust the government to take care of your child?  Your mother?  Your grandmother?

Don’t hope the government does the right thing for your loved one who can’t take care of himself.  Get a conservatorship and take control.

If your child suffers from a serious disability and still needs your help after he or she turns eighteen, a conservatorship may help you keep your child at home and out of the system.  The best time to start the process is generally when the child is about seventeen and a half.
Your parents took care of you.  Are you available to take care of them?  If a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s, Dementia, severe stroke, advanced Lyme Disease, Pick’s Disease, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, or another ailment that prevents them from making their own decisions and caring for themselves, it might be time for a conservatorship.